Thursday, July 17, 2014

How Can You Make Canine Joints Healthy

Canine joint problem is a big issue in the United Kingdom. It is also said that at any one time in the UK around 10 million dogs will be suffering from arthritis in their joints at some point or the other. Some dogs are more at risk of developing severe joint conditions such as the bigger breeds and also dogs that are overweight.
This is the reason that vets advise and prescribe a large number of their clients dogs joint supplements to prevent the onset of serious condition's such as arthritis specially to those dogs that are aging. The main reason behind the reduction in your canine’s joint healthwill most likely be done by the wearing down of the cartilage in your canine’sjoints. The cartilage at the ends of the bones in a joint have a crucial function to protect the ends of the bones, while also making movement a lot easy and it lubricate the ends of the joints. 

So as your dog will age keep in mind that its body will go through a lot of wear and tear, keeping your dog’s body healthy is also giving ability to the body to repair itself. So specifically in the cartilage there are certain substances that are needed to produce and also repair the damaged and worn down cartilage in your canines joints. The two most important of these are known as glucosamine and chondroitin. Both of these have their separatefunctions in making sure of the production and quality of your canines jointcartilage
So if they are in short supply this can result in bad and serious conditions such as osteoarthritis, which often develops in older dogs, or in dogs with certain types of injuries.So if you want your canine to be healthy and happy a good move will be to find a supplement out of the hundreds available that is currently being prescribed by vets for dogs to prevent the onset of arthritis and to give your dog’s healthy joints that can keep him moving.
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